Friday, October 3, 2008

I did it!!!

O.K. so it wasn't as bad as I thought and I didn't pass out! I could feel the blood drain from my face when I walked into the room and saw the rows of chairs, all of them occupied by other teammates giving blood. Some where laughing and smiling, taking pictures with their camera phones, others looked like they had just encountered a ghost. I wanted to walk out but the nurse spotted me. It was too late!

What I took from this:

1) The needle didn't even hurt!
2) It only took about 15 minutes
3) I weighed less when I left! LOL!!! O.K. only a pint less but still, I'll take what I can get :)
4) You get all the juice and cookies you want
5) I left with my head held high knowing that I helped to save lives

I faced my fear and now I am hooked. I will be donating again at the next blood drive.

1 comment:

Marketing Gurl said...

Happy you gave blood today and all is good, and you have also been tagged! See my last post. Love, MG